Wednesday, December 30, 2009

All I know

"Oh, it's taken so long
I could be wrong, I could be ready..."

All I know is
1. I'm happy
2. I never stop smiling when I'm with you
3. After more than 5 years of knowing you, you still make my heart race
4. I'm absolutely crazy about you
5. I don't know all the answers but I know how I feel and my feelings for you shine through my every smile lately.

So amongst everything in life that we don't have figured out, everything we wish we had, and everything we wish could somehow be different.

I just want to say Thank You for coming back into my life.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Low down on the Home town

Alright it's been 3 days and I'm startin that Winter Break To Do List :) I saw "The Fantastic Mr.Fox" which was fantastically fun to watch. I love Wes Anderson films, he's like Time Burton in the way that you instantly know it's HIS work when you're watching it. His cinematography, dialogue, music, and characters are all so quirky and wonderful. I saw an older movie that I hadn't seen before last night, "Six degrees of Separation" which was incredibly interesting. One of the first things I said when I started watching it was that it must have originally been a theatre piece because it walks and talks like a play but translates through the camera surprisingly well. It's definitely a film that I think people will really like or think is really strange depending on preference, and it takes an initial getting used to but once you allow the theatrical aspects to flow it's incredibly intriguing.

Movies aside! I could sit on my couch and watch It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and How I met your Mother all day long :^P

P.s. These people make me Smile



Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Fifth Semester DONE.

Now that I am done with Finals and another Semester of college! I can take a break from those daily homework and errand To Do Lists I would tape to my desk and stare at all day long.

This does not mean I am going to stop making To Do Lists ;)

As the true LIST LOVER I am, I thought I would make a To do List for my Winter Break.

1. Learn how to properly blog; I was bouncing from blog to blog this morning and it's actually really interesting when everything's organized (DUH!) and I would love to share more of my interests and thoughts and pictures with everyone.

2. Make a minimum of 2 videos with my Dad and Friends; my Dad's new favorite hobby is to film and edit videos, whether it's a music video or a short film, and being together with friends again I think we could put together a few things for s and g's (yep I meant...shits and giggles).

3. See atleast 3 new films and 5 old ones I've never seen; When I'm in LA I rarely ever see new movies because I'm a busy bee and it's expensive, SO when I'm home I have to catch up on all the ones I want to see like ...

4. Go on Morning and Night walks; both of these times are so peaceful outside and when I'm in Northridge it's not safe to do this haha so I would love to start my days with fresh air and end them with looking at all the stars I can't see shining as bright in LA

5. Read The Waiting Room again and prepare for my audition when I am back at school; it is a very shocking and bold piece, I am a fan of dark comedy, and the rold of Victoria Smoot is a role I will have to work for if I want. I am crossing my fingers so tight that BWV will unite! ;)

6. Keep my artistic side flowing and growing; I want to sketch, paint, sing, and write more...with free time on my hands I better take advantage of finally being able to do more of what I love.

7. To visit and capture my Siera girl and bring her to San Fran with me, it's going to be really hard not seeing her now that we are closer than ever. She is my other half and I am so thankful to have a her in my life. I don't know how I got that lucky.

8. Get my hair done, I need a change, doesn't have to be a huge one, but something to refresh myself!

9. Get the crew back together and go on adventures, have movie nights, and take TOO MANY pictures.

10. To relax, love, laugh a lot, be with my family and friends, never take boredom as an answer, and enjoy my winter break!

Monday, December 14, 2009

"These are a few of my favorite things..."

Inspired by my girl Siera and Marry Poppins I think listing the things that make me happy every now and again is a really good thing to do :)

1. Successful studying for a test where I'm actually excited to go take the test to see how much I know. ( I NEVER in a million years thought I'd write something as nerdy as that ;^P)

2. Hanukkah Cards...there aren't many of them out there and the ones I've received are better than all the Christmas ones I've seen

3. Picture texts!...I missed being able to do this, and I just updated my phone so I can do so now...random picture messages from and to people are always the recipe for a fun surprise

4. TV shows that I become more witty after watching...thank you Gilmore Girls ;)

5. Buying random combinations of items at grocery stores...Mac and cheese with chapstick, Loaf of bread and gum...whatever ... ;)

6. Making videos on Siera's mac :)

7. Bookstores and coffee shops...these things put together in one is when I'm REAL happy.

8. Writing personal notes and thoughts in books and scripts.

9. Talking to the quiet people at parties, sometimes they're more interesting than the loud ones

10. Journals and own and others.

Ten is good for now, time for me to get dressed and sing to 50's music in the mirror


Sunday, December 13, 2009

I have to study said the studious student

This is my little cave that I have been spending all my time in studying for finals! It's a stressful and frustrating time, but I love being in school and having classes to study for. There's something about drowning in piles of note cards, pages of notes, and books, while drinking my coffee that I secretly enjoy because I know by the end I'm going to feel accomplished. Every time I make it through another class and another semester I'm proving to myself what I'm capable of. That I can do all of this :)

With the help of some WONDERFUL FANTASTIC PEOPLE of course.

I'm thankful for everything in my life right now, I wouldn't trade any of it for anything else.

Friday, December 4, 2009

"Love is the flower you've got to let grow"- John Lennon

The beauty in youth fades like a wilted flower, but true beauty is in being authentic, your true self. A person is truly beautiful when they are physically tired and stripped of any mask they usually wear with an energy that covers their core, authentic self. They are revealed and just "being present." Just like how a swimmer is most beautiful when in the water swimming, then awkward when standing outside the water, a skier skiing down a hill is beautiful, but ordinary when just standing. When someones is truly dedicated, passionate, and has practiced and polished something they love, that requires using their true selves, nothing about it is fake or pretend because that will only take you so far. You won't shine or inspire the way authentic beauty in WHO YOU ARE and DOING SOMETHING YOU LOVE will.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Battle We're In

"How come the only way to know how high you get me
Is to see how far I fall?" -John Mayer

Many of the thoughts and actions we encounter in life come from 1 of 4 places

Heavens- Morality, Fate, Fortune

Head- Logic, Sense, Calculations

(we spend our whole lives trying to figure these last two out)

Sometimes what are heart wants, our head doesn't agree with, but who's to say what is right or wrong. In life we never know, its about taking risks, or doing what makes us feel good, not only in the moment but before, during, and after. Asking ourselves what makes us happiest. I've been in a battle of these 4 places for years, and I don't think it's a battle I'll ever win or lose, or perhaps I should look at it as many smaller battles where I never lose, but just continue until I have won. Happiness is the trophy I aim to have on my shelf, so if doing something, or having someone in my life makes me happy, then I have won.

"If someone thinks that love and peace is a cliche that must have been left behind in the Sixties, that's his problem. Love and peace are eternal."
John Lennon