Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Not much of a blogger

I'm not much of a blogger.

I would like to be a better one. I keep journals. I'm not very good at that either.

As time goes by I seem to live more and more in the moment.

Every now and then I like to document my thoughts, where I'm at in life, but I don't think I say anything that would be of much interest to others...at least through my blog I mean.

I do enjoy looking through other blogs from time to time for inspiration. Whether I am inspired through words, fashion, cooking, or traveling it's fun to escape for a bit :)


*I am cast in my first show with a professional company, and VERY excited.
*I wish I could find a job that I enjoy or I feel passionate about like I do for acting ( at least until I'm making money with my acting!)
*I love my best friends
*I feel so fortunate to have restored a love that was lost years ago
*I love my boyfriend
*I have the most supportive and loving family I could ever ask for and I miss them dearly
*I love my parents new kittens Nubs and Stella
*I will be moved into my new home in 4 days, thank god.
*I wish I could cook
*I wish money didn't matter
*I want to travel to beautiful places
*I'm thankful for life, I have learned to trust that hard times always get better.

I'm excited for every new day :)