Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Not much of a blogger

I'm not much of a blogger.

I would like to be a better one. I keep journals. I'm not very good at that either.

As time goes by I seem to live more and more in the moment.

Every now and then I like to document my thoughts, where I'm at in life, but I don't think I say anything that would be of much interest to others...at least through my blog I mean.

I do enjoy looking through other blogs from time to time for inspiration. Whether I am inspired through words, fashion, cooking, or traveling it's fun to escape for a bit :)


*I am cast in my first show with a professional company, and VERY excited.
*I wish I could find a job that I enjoy or I feel passionate about like I do for acting ( at least until I'm making money with my acting!)
*I love my best friends
*I feel so fortunate to have restored a love that was lost years ago
*I love my boyfriend
*I have the most supportive and loving family I could ever ask for and I miss them dearly
*I love my parents new kittens Nubs and Stella
*I will be moved into my new home in 4 days, thank god.
*I wish I could cook
*I wish money didn't matter
*I want to travel to beautiful places
*I'm thankful for life, I have learned to trust that hard times always get better.

I'm excited for every new day :)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Summer time has started

I am back home for the rest of May to spend time with my family and Corey for a couple weeks until I start a new job and internship in LA for the rest of summer. What an exhausting semester, I am so happy we all made it through AND so far I have all A's so I'm hoping that streak continues!

Novato looks more beautiful every time that I'm home. There's so much green and color everywhere as you drive around town, sitting on my couch and looking out over the water in the morning, laughing and talking with my whole family over dinner, and driving to Corey's and kissing under a starry sky!!! I'm so happy that home is always such a happy, comforting, and wonderful place!

I found the funnest little book in my house called "Rules of Thumb: A Life Manual" and it has hundreds and hundreds of 'rules of thumb' and the funniest and most helpful little tips so I thought over my cup of hazelnut coffee I would share a few I liked :)

Green Living
Keeping a washable mug at your desk can save as many as 500 disposable paper or plastic cups a year.

Pick a puppy whose tail wags in sync with its walk.

the arts
Squint while examining your stage. If any prop or color pops out, tone it down.

Business and sales

if you really need something done, ask a busy person.

conversation and body language

When lying, don't explain too much. And remember that odd numbers are more believable than even numbers.

Health and body

You have to wait 30 minutes after cracking your knuckles to crack them again. That's how long it takes for the vaporized joint fluid to go back into the solution.

Safety and survival

Zigzag to outrun a crocodile.

Conversation and body language
At a party or public event, any person who laughs spontaneously at the same time you do is worth cultivating as a friend.

Conversation and body language

Crossing your arms will make you less apt to be approached.

Health and body
Fifty-four M&M's have the same caffeine content as two cups of coffee.

Animals and Wildlife

The African elephant has ears shaped like Africa. The Indian elephant has ears shaped like India.


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Afternoon Thoughts

Sometimes it's so nice to break from your every day routine.

I get to go home for the weekend and I can't wait!

San Francisco, The Boyfriend, Family, My house, home cooked meals, the water!

Lately I wish I baked, delicious little made up muffins and cupcakes.

I also have this love for French music and movies.

I just download a couple songs from the soundtrack to An Education after seeing it.


This Movie always makes me happy :)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Inspiration Entertainment

This show is a true inspiration for anybody.

This is the best television show I have seen in years, once you start watching you can't stop because these guys achieve in a week what most of us hope to achieve at least once in our life.

The question of "what would you do if you had one day to live?" and then the reality of people not going for their dreams and goals because they don't think its practical or possible is absurd...

This show is a perfect representation of that fact that IT IS POSSIBLE, any one is capable of ANYTHING...make your life something to be proud of, to feel fulfilled, thankful, and MORE THAN content

My Buried life List:

#1 Be a Contemporary dancer
#2 Learn how to Skateboard
#3 Backpack around Europe for a Summer
#4 Perform at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival
#5 Do the Splits
#6 Sing in front of a crowd of people
#7 Play a role in a movie or TV show at least once
#8 Act at a Professional Theatre in a Big City
#9 Marry my true match
#10 Speak another language fluently

What do you want to do before you die?

Friday, February 26, 2010


All I can think about lately is traveling. I want to get on a plane and go somewhere beautiful and different. Amazing food Unbelievable scenery Good people!

For now I'll just have to revisit pictures...

But I'll be back ;)

(Hvar, Croatia)

(Venice, Italy)

(View from my room in Hvar) Too bad the view from my room in LA is someone else's view.

(Outside our Room in Rovinj,Croatia)

(Walking the cobble stone pathways in Rovinj)

I miss coming home SUPER tan. haha ;^P

Well World, I hope I get to see more of you soon, hopefully with Siera and Corey by my sides <3

Monday, February 22, 2010

Case of the Mondays...

I've been sitting in front of that view for hours now. I'm trying to be a responsible College student, study for exams, find sources for research papers, or just use my spare time wisely, but I am so distracted and bored by these sort of things...

Please Motivation Inspiration Determination Actualization Realization find me!

...I'd like to start feeling like this...

Thanks :)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Thankful for YOU

I want you to know how thankful I am to have you.

You make me excited for the future.

You put my mind and body at ease.

You make me feel protected, happy, and loved.

You get along with my best friends.

You fit just right, right next to me :)

"I love you more than the Moon loves the sky!"

"And how might I ask do you know the moon loves the sky and that you, my dear, love it more?"

"Because the moon visits the sky every night, but I love you more because unlike the moon, I would never leave you."

Happy 21st Birthday babe xoxo