Sunday, February 21, 2010

Thankful for YOU

I want you to know how thankful I am to have you.

You make me excited for the future.

You put my mind and body at ease.

You make me feel protected, happy, and loved.

You get along with my best friends.

You fit just right, right next to me :)

"I love you more than the Moon loves the sky!"

"And how might I ask do you know the moon loves the sky and that you, my dear, love it more?"

"Because the moon visits the sky every night, but I love you more because unlike the moon, I would never leave you."

Happy 21st Birthday babe xoxo


  1. This was so sweet Dana! You and Corey definitely make one absolutely adorable to me and Geo, of course. Lol. Happy Birthday to Corey (even though, we've never met!), you've got quite a girl.

    Miss you, Dana!

  2. This just made me think of when I wrote a post a few months ago wishing I had someone to be with to do sweet things with, and you commented me saying it would happen soon and I would find the right one, just like you and Geo found each other...guess you were right :)
