Monday, March 16, 2009

What's your Fire?

I'm so fortunate that I have grown up where I have, been as lucky, healthy, safe, and educated as I have because in theatre history we were talking about Theatre of the Absurd and the Arabic Theatre we are studying right now, specifically "Strangers don't drink coffee" and we were discussing how it deals with Authoritarian Oppression and AJ (my professor) asks all of us, "Have any of you experienced Authoritarian Oppression? or anything you think could relate to it?" and no one raised their hand or said anything. AJ's reaction was, you dont know how lucky you are. There are people dying and undergoing this oppression as we speak, please know how lucky and fortunate you are to have grown up here and are here today...

Just makes me think and realize how lucky I am. I should never take it for advantage, but instead honor this luck and do everything I can!

We also talked about Harold Pinter and the "Pinter Pause" which is basically the pasue or dramatic pause that actors/people take when they speak. That uncomfortable silence. Westerner's hate this! Our culture just talks and talks and talks and breaks teh silence to feel more at ease. Whereas MANY other cultures dont do that, they embrace the silence. Many people dont like it and it is used on stage a lot because it brings up a lot of inner thoughts (What are they thinking? Are they mad? Whats going on?) The very aspect of Absurdists theatre, those 100's of unanswered questions! They make you THINK, they leave the audience in wonder, in thought, forces them to use their imagination, think abstractly about the world or the issues and questions presented. Many people get frusterated and dont like this, much in the same way people dont like "awkward" silence. This is why so many people love musicals more than straight plays, they dont bring out these unanswered questions, or have the audience leave the theatre open ended. They provide good music, good feelings, and enjoyable entertainment. I enjoy those but I learn so much more from straight plays, with a more intellectual side, and sense of forced question and imagination.

People should always be curious, should always ask questions and continue to have their mind in action! Why is it that so many people rather just shut off? Expand your view of the world! Ask, and find the answers, or dont and learn out of not knowing. I feel incredibly passionate about all of this and for all the individuals outside of thsi artistic mindset whom tell me " you theatre people are just playing pretend" or that musicals are way better and straight plays are boring are not allowing themselves to be open to the world and learning or discovering.

The more I ask, learn and explore the more passionate I become. My words cant keep up with my thoughts and althrough its overwhelming at times and frusterating when others resist or oppose...this is what I learn and grow from everyday... The fire only burns brighter within me.

What's your fire?

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